Deadline for submission 30th June 2024


The ISGT Asia 2024 core organizing committee invites individuals from electricity utilities, consulting firms, and electricity R&D establishments to submit panel proposals on the ISGT Asia – 2024 theme. Panel proposal participation in this call requires submission of an abstract of the panel as per the prescribed format by email to, indicating in the subject line “ISGT Asia 2024 – Panel proposal”.

The deadline for submission of the panel proposal is 30th May 2024.

Brief about ISGT Asia 2024

The 13th IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Asia conference is an IEEE PES flagship conference organized in Asia. The IEEE PES ISGT 2024 is sponsored by the IEEE Power & Energy Society and conducted by the IEEE PES Bangalore Chapter from 10-13, November 2024 in Bengaluru, India. The IEEE PES ISGT 2024 Asia will be a venue for stakeholders from power and energy utilities, industries, vendors and service providers, academia, and research and development organizations. The conference provides a platform to share and exchange experiences, new ideas, and enabling technologies that will address the enormous challenges faced by the power and energy industry in response to decarbonization and integration of high levels of renewable energy resources into future power grids. The IEEE ISGT Asia 2024 will provide IEEE members & non-members access to the best knowledge, resources & opportunities in emerging technologies, and challenges faced by the power and energy industry/utilities across Asia and the globe.

Panel format

In ISGT Asia, 2024, there will be 3 keynotes, 3 plenary sessions, and 16 parallel panel sessions. Each plenary and panel session will have one moderator and four speakers and the session duration is 90 minutes. The moderator of the session will make initial remarks and introduce the speakers of the panel in about 15 minutes. Each panel speaker will present his views through a presentation for 10-15 minutes. The moderator shall ensure that the panel speakers do not repeat the presentation content. The sessions’ last 15-20 minutes will be devoted to interactive discussions and QA with the conference delegates.

Submission format

Prospective panel proposers (moderators) for this call are requested to submit the panel proposal in the following format.

  1. Provide Name, Sir-name, titles, affiliation, and a short biography (max 120 words)
  2. Indicate the panel theme in line with the ISGT Asia 2024 theme
  3. Provide a panel title and an abstract (up to 150 words) within the ISGT Asia 2024 theme.
  4. Suggest 4 panelists/panel speakers with Name, Sir-name, titles, affiliation, and a short biography (max 120 words)
  5. It is suggested that the proposed panel speakers be from different geographies, and different sectors (utility, industry, R&D, regulatory, academic, and consulting), and at least one panelist/moderator shall be
  6. Give an undertaking that, on selection, will participate in the ISGT-Asia 2024, which will be held on 10-13, November 2024.
  7. Give an undertaking to permit the free distribution of the presentation/discussion material to the ISGT Asia 2024 delegates and publicize the presentation on the ISGT Asia website, and IEEE website, as applicable, if selected and presented.
  8. Submit the proposal by email to indicating in the subject line “ISGT Asia 2024 – Panel proposal”, by 30th May 2024.

Selection Procedure

The technical committee of the ISGT Asia 2024 or any other designated ISGT Asia 2024 panel selection committee will review the abstracts, select one panel under each category, and inform the moderator/proposer by 30th June 2024.

Participation in ISGT Asia 2024

The selected moderator and the panel speakers will have free registration to ISGT Asia 2024 (tutorial registration is not included). However, all the speakers shall make their own travel, local transport, boarding, and lodging arrangements.

Panel Themes in ISGT Asia 2024

  1. Cyber security
  2. Digital Twin
  3. Distributed Energy Resources
  4. Diversity Equity and Inclusion in Power
  5. Electric Vehicles
  6. Electricity markets
  7. Energy Transition
  8. Experiences from grid operators
  9. GNA (General network Access)
  10. Green buildings
  11. Green Hydrogen
  12. High-performance computing
  13. Human Resource capacity building
  14. IEEE Standards /Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
  15. Industry-Academic Interactions
  16. Microgrids
  17. Policy and Regulations
  18. Power Electronics applications
  19. Power system Safety Aspects
  20. Renewable Integration
  21. Smart grid applications
  22. Startups in Power and Energy
  23. Storage Technologies like Pumped hydro, Battery Energy Storage Systems
  24. WAMPAC – Wide Area Monitoring Protection and Control
  25. Any relevant topic related to the ISGT Asia 2024 theme